Affiliated Schools Gallery
Only students featured on this page may use the photos and names related to Lance Pun's school, Pic Wha Wing Chun.

Wing Chun School in France
Master Boris Devienne is a martial arts expert with over 30 years of experience. He teaches traditional Wing Chun in Labastide Saint Pierre.
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Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy in Budapest
Sihing Hegyi Zsolt is known for his modern pedagogy and approach to teaching Kung Fu in Budapest.
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Martial Center in Italy
Professor Jundi Luo offers a friendly environment for learning Wing Chun in Brescia, suitable for all ages.
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Wing Chun Institute in Borota (Hungary)
Attila Mészáros teaches Wing Chun in Borota with a focus on traditional values and personal development.
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Kung Fu School in Jerusalem
Master Franck Bismut offers Kung Fu lessons in Jerusalem, suitable for children and adults for a family-friendly approach.
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Wing Chun Academy in London
Sifu Smith is known for his modern approach to Wing Chun, combining traditional techniques with modern applications.
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Martial Center in Brussels
Master Dupont teaches Wing Chun in Brussels, emphasizing self-defense and self-confidence.
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Wing Chun School in Amsterdam
Sifu Van Dijk offers Wing Chun classes in Amsterdam, focusing on physical and mental balance.
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Kung Fu Academy in Vienna
Master Schubert teaches Kung Fu in Vienna with a focus on discipline and respect for traditions.
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